Comparative Literature Journal Summer Scholarship
PURPOSE: This award is generously funded by the Comparative Literature journal. The purpose of this scholarship is to help defray the cost of participating in a summer institute for advanced language study or to help fund participation in a summer seminar or research in a library or archive.
ELIGIBILITY: Doctoral students at any stage of their studies may apply, provided they are not teaching during Summer Session or preparing for their qualifying exams.
AWARD: $3000, distributed at the start of summer term 2020.
TO APPLY: Please submit a letter describing the institute, program or project, explaining its importance for your studies. Include an itemized breakdown of estimated expenses (tuition, housing, travel, etc.). The deadline for submissions is February 21, 2020.
SELECTION: The selection process is administered by the tenure-related comparative literature faculty on behalf of the Comparative Literature journal.
NOTIFICATION: Applicants will be notified by March 13, 2020.
CONDITIONS: Students receiving this award are required to register for at least three credits of COLT 601 or 603 for summer term 2020.