Educational Opportunity Award
PURPOSE: These awards are intended as scholarships to support extraordinary opportunities for graduate students in Comparative Literature. Awards are presented in the following categories: Conference Participation; Language Study; Museum/Archival Research.
ELIGIBILITY: At any point in their career, doctoral students may apply for an Educational Opportunity Award. If you are applying for Conference Participation, your paper need not have been accepted. However, should you be approved for an award, the funds will not be released until your paper has been accepted. Graduate students seeking a second Educational Opportunity Award in the same academic year may submit an application in the Spring term round of funding. A second award will be considered if funding is available.
AWARD: The amount of the award is $500, distributed either at the start of the term in which the professional activity occurs or approximately two weeks following notification of the award, whichever occurs later.
TO APPLY: Submit the application, filled in electronically, by e‑mail, to Kathy Furrer, Applications for Fall, Winter or Spring review are due by Friday of Week 4 in the corresponding term.
SELECTION: The selection committee consists of the tenure-related comparative literature faculty. The most important criterion for disbursement of these funds is the significance and value of the educational opportunity in relation to a student’s research interests.
NOTIFICATION: Students will be notified by Friday, Week 7 of the term in which they applied.
CONDITIONS: Conditions of the award are included in the award letter.