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External Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards

Scholarships information on the Graduate School website

Below is a partial list of fellowships and awards that COLT graduate students have pursued in the past. Because new opportunities arise, we encourage you to consult the Graduate School website frequently: COLT students tend to be highly competitive for University-wide awards.

AWARDS (Partial list):

  • Center for Asian and Pacific Studies Fellowships
  • Gary E. Smith Summer Professional Development Award
  • Graduate Teaching Excellence Award
  • Margaret McBride Lehrman Fellowship
  • Oregon Humanities Center Graduate Fellowships
  • Kimble First-Year Teaching Award

TO APPLY FOR A NOMINATION/LETTER OF SUPPORT: Please read all notifications and deadlines carefully. Notify the department immediately of your intent to apply for an award. If you need a nomination/department letter of support, please submit supporting materials to us at least 6 weeks in advance to provide adequate time for scholarship committee review.

SELECTION: The tenure-related comparative literature faculty will select nominees. The department head will coordinate letters of support.

NOTIFICATION: Student notification will depend on circumstances and deadlines.

College of Arts & Sciences Scholarships

There is one application process annually for College of Arts and Sciences scholarships. The deadline for applications is usually in February. The student and two faculty recommenders provide statements in the online application. The College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Committee then considers students for the various scholarships depending on eligibility.